A3 Calendars
I create a 13-pages double A3 calendar every year.
Below you will find an overview of the 2025 edition (PDF format).
I also design A3 personalized calendars with the logo of companies who want to offer a gift to their customers at the end of the year. The unit price depends on the number of calendars. I’m selling to anyone interested for CHF 26 plus CHF 11 for postage and packing within Switzerland.
To browse through the calendar, click on the arrow!
To browse through the calendar, click on the picture above!
Desk Calender:
This is a small table calendar (20 cm side, A5 format). It is sold 16 CHF and 2 CHF for postage and packing within Switzerland.
To order one or more calenders use the form below. When I receive your message I will give you my account ID. You just have to pay the necessary amount and after reception of your payment, I will send you the requested article(s) as soon as possible.